Steal This Wall

Stand to face the wall for one minute.
For one more minute.
Using the pencil and ruler, draw a 28 x 28 inch square
around clay painted wall.
Take the chisel in your (left or right) hand
hammer in your other (left or right) hand.
Angle the chisel downwards along penciled-drawn lines.
Begin hammer to chisel act. Continue this act along
pencil-drawn lines until all lines have become
fissures in the wall.
When completed, remove the wall using both hands.
This will require a balanced and delicate strength.
Take the gallery wall with you as a souvenir of your
efforts in performance.

The Kids Can’t Fly

Angle to side stance. Cusp both hands around bar element.

Place [right foot] behind hips.

Slide [left foot] back until feet stand side-by-side.

Slide [left foot] back


Slide [left foot] to meet

Side Stance. Angle to side stance.


Place [right foot]     behind hips

Slide [left foot] until side-by-side

Cusp both hands around bar element.

Angle to side stance. Cusp both hands around bar element.

Place [right foot] behind hips.

Slide [left foot] back until feet stand side-by-side.

Slide [left foot] back


Slide [left foot] to meet

Side Stance. Angle to side stance.


Place [right foot]   b       e        h        i     n    d            h  i        p  ss.

Slide [left foot] until side-by-side

Cusp both hands around bar element.

Return to forward stance.

With shoulders pressed slightly to bar element

press forward supporting shoulders move forward

support shoulders forward

forward shoulders to bar

supporting shoulders pressing to bar element

jump both feet back


jump both feet until angled extension is achieved

jump together to align

slightly resting shoulders are placed against bar element


jumping until meeting

a pressed extension.

Return to forward stance

turning away from support-bar

turn away

to turn away

turning away

support-bar turned away

to turn to a backward-facing forward stance

turn to a forward stance with back towards support-bar

Return to forward stance


Return to forward stance

clasp both arms around bar element

lifting to support clasping

clasping as knees hover

Clasping to support knees hovering to chest

knees hover to chest

knees  2  chest

position both feet just above ground with knees 2 chest

position both feet

position feet

in case of fall

let go


repeat landing

repeat correct landing




repeat correct falling

repeat correct landing



repeat landing

repeat correct landing


Return to forward stance.

place your [right hand] on the bar element

shimmy only

only your [right hand] across the bar element

Return to forward-facing stance

With shoulders pressed slightly to bar element

press forward supporting shoulders move forward

support shoulders forward

forward shoulders to bar

supporting shoulders pressing to bar element

jump both feet back


jump both feet until angled extension is achieved

jump together to align

slightly resting shoulders are placed against bar element


jumping until meeting a pressed extension.

Angle to side stance. Cusp both hands around bar element.

Place [right foot] behind hips.

Slide [left foot] back until feet stand side-by-side.

Slide [left foot] back


Slide [left foot] to meet

Side Stance. Angle to side stance.


Place [right foot]   b       e        h        i     n    d            hipss.

Slide [left foot] until side-by-side

Cusp both hands around bar element.

Return to forward stance.

place your [right hand] on the bar element

shimmy only

only your [right hand] across the bar element

turning away from support-bar

turn away

to turn away

turning away

support-bar turned away

to turn to a backward-facing forward stance

turn to a forward stance with back towards support-bar

Return to forward stance


turn to a backward-facing forward stance

place your [left hand] on the bar element

shimmy only

only your [left hand] across the bar element

Return to forward stance.

clasp both arms around bar element

lifting to support clasping

clasping as knees hover

Clasping to support knees hovering to chest

knees hover to chest

position both feet just above ground

knees to chest

position both feet

position feet

in case of fall

let go


repeat landing

repeat correct landing




repeat correct falling

repeat correct landing



repeat landing

repeat correct landing


Return to forward facing stance

place your [right hand] on the bar element

shimmy only

only your [right hand] across the bar element

Return to forward stance.

turning away from support-bar

turn away

to turn away

turning away

support-bar turned away

to turn to a backward-facing forward stance

turn to a forward stance with back towards support-bar

Return to forward stance


turning away from support-bar

turn away

to turn away

turning away

support-bar turned away

to turn to a backward-facing forward stance

turn to a forward stance with back towards support-bar

Return to forward stance


Return to forward stance

With shoulders pressed slightly to bar element

press forward supporting shoulders move forward

support shoulders forward

forward shoulders to bar

supporting shoulders pressing to bar element

jump both feet back


jump both feet until angled extension is achieved

jump together to align

slightly resting shoulders are placed against bar element


jumping until meeting

a pressed extension.

Angle to side stance. Cusp both hands around bar element.

Place [right foot] behind hips.

Slide [left foot] back until feet stand side-by-side.

Slide [left foot] back


Slide [left foot] to meet

Side Stance. Angle to side stance.


Place [right foot]  behind hips

Slide [left foot] until side-by-side

Cusp both hands around bar element.

Return to forward stance.

place your [right hand] on the bar element

shimmy only

only your [right hand] across the bar element

Angle to side stance. Cusp both hands around bar element.

Place [right foot] behind hips.

Slide [left foot] back until feet stand side-by-side.

Slide [left foot] back


Slide [left foot] to meet

Side Stance. Angle to side stance.


Place [right foot]   b       e        h        i     n    d            h  i        p  ss.

Slide [left foot] until side-by-side

Cusp both hands around bar element.

Return to forward stance.

turning away from support-bar

turn away

to turn away

turning away

support-bar turned away

to turn to a backward-facing forward stance

turn to a forward stance with back towards support-bar

Return to forward stance


turn to a backward-facing forward stance

place your [left hand] on the bar element

shimmy only

only your [left hand] across the bar element

Return to forward stance.